Wednesday 9 March 2011

So a  big challenge I have had which i did not anticipate was coming up with a name for my portfolio. I wanted something with a play on words that was still simple but also in some way design related.

With each name i created a logo to see how it worked on paper. I have never been trained in logo design but it is something i do quite naturally because i have a good eye for shapes and composition.

After various attempts at creating an origonal name which didnt make the employer think i was lazy, or completely un-imaginative and cliche, i realised how unique my surname asctually was. It's not something that you see every day but the sight of my name featuring in a logo was something that just made me cringe! I figured i would have to get used to it and started with a play on 'Laskey'

Quite quickly into my second or third  logo I found the type face I wanted to use and there abouts the colours I was going to use. I also experimented with reversing the logo's I had created to see them work in the alternative colour scheme for various different mediums.

After recieving feedback on the most recent logo (the last one) It was suggested that the pencil was a) a little generic and doesnt make me stand out. and b) a little bit too bold on the white background.

Feeling disheartened I went back to the sketchbook and started scribbling away, and by complete accident I had another sheet of paper covering one of my printouts and it was hiding the pencil. I thought it looked great. So rather than a redesign I just took away the pencil and was left with the 'squiggle' which I had recieved great feedback on. I realised that the 'squiggle' was very unique and very eye catching in both backgrounds so I started using it without the type face and decided that it could be used when I didnt feel the text neccessary.